Saturday, April 23, 2016

Alijah Ghulam Uddin Ghulam Hunzai

Alijah Ghulam Uddin Ghulam Hunzai

Noor Moula Deya Saiban lay ja Qurban Ammanum

Alijah Ghulam Uddin Ghulam Hunzai is one of the most revered scholar and poet of Gilgit-Baltistan. Ghulam Uddin Ghulam is known for many as Ustad Ghulam Uddin, ‘Ustad’ denotes in Burshakshi language as ‘Educator’. Alijah Ghulam Uddin has served a lifelong service to educate the people of Gilgit-Baltistan. His meticulous services in the field of education started around late 1930s, when he was about 12 years old and one of a very few people in the beautiful valley of Hunza who have then an education till 5 grades. His journey begins as a voluntary school teacher in the picturesque kingly hamlet of Altit which continues till now when Ustad-e-Muhtramis still engaged in educating youth and the masses while his age is above 90 years. The blessing of being actively involved in the generation of knowledge and its dissemination around millions of people is a rare gift and Alijah Ustad Ghulam Uddin being bestowed by this gift.


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